[texworks] delayed to open the previewer

Stefan Löffler st.loeffler at gmail.com
Sat Apr 27 15:41:33 CEST 2024

Dear Jose,

On 18.04.24 05:29, Jose Meono via texworks wrote:
> Hi, When I run the TeXworks, it takes time to open the PDF viewer. I 
> takes about 2 to 3 minutes. Is it right?

No, generally the PDF should come up in a couple of seconds at most - 
provided that it has "normal" complexity. The longer and more complex 
the PDF is, the longer it will take to load, but I have not seen a PDF 
taking several minutes so far.

*) Would it be possible for you to share the PDF?
*) Is the amount of time the same regardless whether you open a .tex 
file (and the pdf is opened alongside automatically) or if you open the 
.pdf file directly?

Kind regards,
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