[texworks] (no subject)

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Tue Oct 25 09:41:17 CEST 2016

On 25/10/2016 07:34, Alain Latour wrote:
> Hi,
> I can not find answer to a question that seems simple ...
> On my Mac, with TeXShop I have a texmf directory that allows me to add things I often refer to
> in my latex files. For example, a .sty file to define colors for Beamer, macro sets, etc. 
> All this live at the following address:
> /User/alainlatour/Library/texmf/tex/latex
> But I also have to work on another computer under Windows 10 with TeXworks.
> I can not recreate a similar environment. Do you have an idea (simple if possible) of how I can proceed?
> I looked in FAQ, the only item talking about private file installations did not work.
> Alain Latour

This is not a feature of the editor but of your TeX system. On the Mac,
MacTeX is the normal set up and as you note uses ~/Library/texmf as the
root for local TeX files. On Windows, you might have TeX Live or MiKTeX
as your TeX system. The two work slightly differently:

- TeX Live uses %UserProfiel%\texmf, so for me C:\Users\joseph\texmf, as
the root

- MiKTeX does not have an 'out of the box' pre-defined local root, but
you can add one from the Settings panel.


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