[texworks] ConTeXt (pdfTeX) and PSTricks

Juan Leal juanmlealg at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 29 05:36:00 CET 2013

Thanks Stefan, it worked like a charm.

El 28/01/2013 03:01 p.m., Stefan Löffler escribió:
> Hi,
> On 2013-01-24 12:14, Juan Leal wrote:
>> I have installed the Help_LaTeX2e ver 0.55 script following Paul
>> instructions:
>> But it does not work. I select, for example, \bigskip command and only
>> obtain the following message in the status bar
>> Script "Help LaTeX2e": ReferenceError: Can´t find variable: _FILE_
>> Could anybody tell me what is wrong and how to make it work?
> Paul uses the __FILE__ variable in scripting (presumably to find where
> the files are installed and thus locate additional resources, like the
> user interface definition, etc.). Unfortunately, Qt deems this to be a
> "debugging variable". For it to work, you need to go to Edit >
> Preferences... > Scripts and tick "Enable QtScript debugger".
> Stefan
> PS: CC'ing to Paul - maybe he can update the script's installation
> instruction.

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