[texworks] Updated Russian translation

Vladimir Lomov lomov.vl at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 14:28:52 CEST 2012

** Stefan Löffler [2012-03-28 19:04:37 +0200]:

> Hi,

> On 2012-03-26 15:43, Vladimir Lomov wrote:
>>>> Comment:
>>>> previously there were phrases "[Hide|Show] Output Panel" now they are
>>>> "[Hide|Show] Output Console", I prefer the first form, so I use them in
>>>> translation (imho, word "panel" fits more with conception of GUI editor).
>>> This was changed in r968 to solve issue 274. To summarize, it is feared
>>> that "output" is associated with the .pdf file/preview too easily
>>> without anything else. Hence "Console" was added to make sure this is
>>> not confused with the pdf. But I have no idea how to express this in
>>> Russian... ;) (or if it's necessary at all).
>> WDYT about this: "Show/Hide typeseting [process] details"?

> I still prefer "console" (or maybe "terminal") as that is usually
> associated with a command line tool (and it's exactly the output of such
> a command line tool we are looking at). But of course that's a personal
> preference and language dependent. Take whatever sounds good in Russian
> (preferably, of course, something that is not to be confused with the
> "output" in the sense of product/pdf).

But this panel is NOT console or terminal in sense of konsole,
gnome-terminal and etc or like embedded terminal in kate, that's why I
was in doubt when translating the strings. Yes this is output from
engine run as much like in terminal but in terminal user can terminate
typesetting by pressing Ctrl-C.

> PS: FWIW, I'm not going to change the English string anymore now as that
> would require to revisit all (already completed) translations.

I would wait the release and return to these strings after it.

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

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