[texworks] Drop of Python scripting support

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 22:52:39 CET 2011

I have sucessfully used TeXworks Python, but I am no python expert by a
long shot, but never has my system (Ubuntu or Windows Xp) been corrupted by
using it. I do not know what he was trying to do at the time...

Keep in there Stefan,

Step by step every other type of thing has been worked through
here successfully in the past!

Don't be put off even if some area of needed expertise has been
highlighted. You are a very capable programmer and follow very logical
problem solving paths.

Open issue tickets on anything it looks like he is valid in saying and lets
see the answers come in!


On 1 November 2011 08:15, Stefan Löffler <st.loeffler at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2011-10-31 20:04, Alain Delmotte wrote:
> > I hope the message I forwarded you didn't create your reaction.
> No - he had sent me the message himself before he had contacted you -
> besides, my French is rusty at best ;).
> > What do you mean saying:
> > >> but mostly it is because I believe that this
> > >> kind of approach has no place in TeXworks.
> Pretty much what Jonathan put into words much better than I did ;):
> > The tone of those remarks is completely inappropriate, and does nothing
> to promote goodwill, cooperation, understanding, or worthwhile progress in
> anyone's project.
> All in all, that tone is not the kind of tone I want in Tw.
> I'm glad to hear so many supportive voices here on the mailing list!
> Cheers,
> -Stefan
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