[texworks] Message from TeXworks user

Santiago, Lualhati L.Santiago at warwick.ac.uk
Wed Jun 8 19:03:48 CEST 2011


I have just installed the latest TeXworks version: (May 2011) TeXworks
0.4.1 released and it has stopped working (it no longer converts my work
into pdf or dvi). It used to work perfectly before.

It says: latexmk.exe: The Perl interpreter could not be found.

I never had this problem with the previous version. It never required me
to install the Perl interpreter. 

Please, could you help me to recover my TeXworks? I do not know how to
fix this problem. I have tried to return to the previous version I had,
but it is no longer available on the web.

I have come very used to TeXworks and preferred it over other editors.

Thank you for your help and time, I would really appreciate it.

Best regards,


----- configuration info ----- 
TeXworks version : 0.3r670 (MiKTeX 2.9) 
Install location : C:/Program Files (x86)/MiKTeX
Library path     : C:\Users\Lulu\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\2.9\TeXworks\ 
pdfTeX location  : C:/Program Files (x86)/MiKTeX
Operating system : Windows Microsoft Windows 7 Business Edition, 64-bit
(build 7600) 
Qt4 version      : 4.7.0 (build) / 4.7.0 (runtime) 

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