[texworks] "jump to source" not working 0.3r736

Stefan Löffler st.loeffler at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 08:11:57 CET 2011


On 2011-03-08 19:15, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> I've just installed the test build TeXworks-w32-v0.3r736-build1.zip on
> a 64 bit Windows 7 machine.  The "Jump to Source" menu item on the
> right mouse button in the previewer appears to do nothing; "Jump to
> PDF" in the editor brings the previewer to the front, but doesn't go
> to the right page.
> I suspect this is due to problems reading the .synctex file, but I
> don't know how to diagnose what they are.  Version 0.1 r432 is fine
> with the file.  (The reason I suspect problems is that the .synctex
> file is a little unusual:  it is not compressed, and it has been
> edited from the original one produced by pdflatex.  So it is possible
> that the edits have messed it up, but I don't know how.)

OK, after some testing I think I found the problem.
Normally, synctex files are written with the unix line ending
convention, i.e., every line is terminated by a single linefeed
character (\n, 0x0a). On Windows, lines are by default terminated by
carriage-return + linefeed (\r\n, 0x0d 0x0a). As synctex doesn't expect
this, Tw gets filenames that have a \r appended, which obviously are not
found on the system.

So, the solution is to take care of preserving the line ending
convention when editing the file. This can even be done in Tw itself. In
the editor window's status bar, the leftmost field (not counting the
general message area) must read 'LF', not 'CRLF'. To change it, simply
right-click on it. Then save the .synctex file. It might also be a good
idea to close Tw before opening the .pdf, to make absolutely sure
nothing is lurking in some internal buffer.

> I have put most of the example files online at
> http://www.stats.uwo.ca/faculty/murdoch/temp/texworks.  (There are
> missing figures, but the main source files are there.)  The .Rnw file
> is the real source; jumps should almost all go to it.  The .tex file
> is an intermediate file produced by Sweave.

As Paul mentioned, the .tex file was not accessible. The other files
were, however, and since the .tex should be circumvented that was OK.


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