[texworks] Appreciation

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 05:51:45 CEST 2010

Just wanted to say, I was sitting using TeXWorks just now - and really
appreciating so many of its fine features, that I can otherwise just,
well, take for granted - in that they are just there to use and work
so very well.  We are so focussed on bug reports here, and
enhancement/improvements that the good side of what has already been
done can pass by almost un-noticed otherwise! Even with the
unavoidable hold ups on different things - it really is becoming a
first class publising tool.

Well done to the C++ team side of things (mostly Jonathan and
Steffan)! And Alain Delmotte for the first manual, and who ever put
the completion short cuts together (and any one else - I don't mean to
leave any one out!).


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