[texworks] Synctex with texi2dvi?

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at me.com
Tue Aug 10 20:48:00 CEST 2010

On 10 août 2010, at 03:38, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

> I've just installed Ubuntu to try to get Sweave and TexWorks going
> there.  I've got TexLive installed.  I had been using texi2dvi in
> MikTex in Windows, but now the texi2dvi option
> --tex-options=-synctex=1 doesn't work.  Is there some way to tell
> texi2dvi to pass the synctex option to pdflatex?

This must be a MikTeX-specific extension. Here on the Mac texi2dvi and texi2pdf are part of the OS (they're installed in /usr/bin) and they don't include any option for passing on arguments to (pdf)TeX:

	$ texi2dvi --help

	Operation modes:
	  -b, --batch         no interaction
	  -c, --clean         remove all auxiliary files
	  -D, --debug         turn on shell debugging (set -x)
	  -h, --help          display this help and exit successfully
	  -o, --output=OFILE  leave output in OFILE (implies --clean);
	                      Only one input FILE may be specified in this case
	  -q, --quiet         no output unless errors (implies --batch)
	  -s, --silent        same as --quiet
	  -v, --version       display version information and exit successfully
	  -V, --verbose       report on what is done

	TeX tuning:
	  -@                   use @input instead of \input; for preloaded Texinfo
	  -e, -E, --expand     force macro expansion using makeinfo
	  -I DIR               search DIR for Texinfo files
	  -l, --language=LANG  specify the LANG of FILE (LaTeX or Texinfo)
	  -p, --pdf            use pdftex or pdflatex for processing
	  -r, --recode         call recode before TeX to translate input characters
	  -t, --command=CMD    insert CMD in copy of input file
	   or --texinfo=CMD    multiple values accumulate

	TEX (or PDFTEX), TEXINDEX, and THUMBPDF environment variables are used
	to run those commands, if they are set.  Any CMD strings are added
	after @setfilename for Texinfo input, in the first line for LaTeX input.

I think they are exactly the same scripts installed on GNU/Linux.

What you could perhaps do is write a script setting first TEX to "tex --synctex=1" and PDFTEX to "pdftex --synctex=1" then calling texi2dvi. Something like

	set TEX= ("$TEX --synctex=1")
	set PDFTEX= ("$PDFTEX --synctex=1")
	texi2dvi "$1"

The syntax is certainly wrong as I know nothing about shell scripts, and it is probably safer to add tests on whether TEX and PDFTEX are set in the first place.

Hope this helps,

Bruno Voisin

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