[texworks] message from TeXworks user(MiKTeX)

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Mon Dec 21 20:00:17 CET 2009

On Dec 21, 2009, at 12:03 PM, BROU Bosson Jean Marcelin wrote:

> Please, How can we get packages such as palatcm.sty?


I can't even find that package on CTAN. Try the mathpazo package which uses Palatino for the serif font along with a matching math font. The sans-serif and monospace fonts are the default CM. I actually like using the Bera sans and mono fonts scaled down a bit:

\linespread{1.05}        % Palatino needs more leading

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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