[texworks] Building TeXworks on WinXP

Stefan Löffler st.loeffler at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 20:30:46 CET 2009

Hi Alain,

On 2009-01-13 18:47, Alain Delmotte wrote:
> My error: I did forget to change the Texworks.pro file (for
> INCLUDEPATH and LIBS) after moving KDE.
> In fact I just checked and this solved the poppler problem and the
> compilation was successful.
> So it works, now I have to check the result :-))) and we'll summarize
> for a new .txt file of instructions.

Congratulations! From now everything will be quite simple ;). Updating
the code via svn and rebuilding TeXworks should be easy.
I've updated the building instructions [attached]. I mainly added a note
about installing the KDE packages into a path not containing spaces and
added the options necessary for running the installer. I've also
reformatted it into wiki syntax so that Jonathan can put it online.
Could you please read through it? I'm open for any kind of suggestions,
recommendations, criticism, etc. If everything is OK it can be put onto
the Google code page in order to attract a few more Windows users ;).

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