[texworks] Trouble with auto-pst-pdf

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 07:00:38 CET 2008

On 27/11/2008, at 12:49 AM, Iwan Setyawan wrote:
> Does this help narrowing down the problem?

It helps confuse me further :(
This is the code in ifplatform that checks to see if shell-escape is  

\immediate\write18{echo \ip at win >"\ip at file"}
\IfFileExists{\ip at file}{\shellescapetrue}{\shellescapefalse\endinput}

If you write something similar, like this:

\immediate\write18{ echo 'hello' > "temp.txt" }
\IfFileExists{temp.txt}{Shell escape ON}{Shell escape OFF}

does that work, or not? (Still with the -shell-escape option in use,  
of course.) If it does work, then \shellescape should always be true  
and your problem shouldn't be occurring; if it doesn't work, then why  

Sorry this is taking so long :(

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