[texworks] new binaries for Windows and Mac OS X

Jonathan Kew jonathan at jfkew.plus.com
Mon Oct 27 17:36:45 CET 2008

On 27 Oct 2008, at 1:34 PM, Alain Delmotte wrote:

> Jonathan Kew a écrit :
>>> Spellchecking doesn't crash anymore, but every text is underlined.
>> I'm puzzled by this; it works fine for me (on all of Mac/Linux/ 
>> Windows), only underlining the questionable words. What  
>> dictionaries are you using?
> I am using the latest available dictionaries for Oo.
>>> I tried to download the TeXworks_fr.ts file from Google code to  
>>> update the translation, but it won't open with Linguist (neither  
>>> the _nl).
>> That's strange. How did you download the file(s) -- did you do a  
>> "checkout" with subversion, or try to download individual files?
> I tried to download individual files. The problem is missing " in  
> instruction, like <div width = 10> in place of <div width = "10">,  
> at least for what I tried, also missing </td>,...
> I downloaded by Right+Clic on the file name: "download the target of  
> the link"

It looks like you can't download files this way from Google code  
(which is silly!).... it's giving you a complete HTML page with a view  
of the file contents, but surrounded by Google's headers, line  
numbers, etc.

> It looks like I should be added to the project to download with  
> TurtoiseSVN.

You can do an anonymous checkout without specifying a username; see http://code.google.com/p/texworks/source/checkout 
. This will give you a complete copy of the source files (and you can  
then use "update" to refresh it at any time).

>>> In the issue 57, st.loeffler discuss root document: is this  
>>> implemented?
>> There is already support for a "root document", see Stefan's notes  
>> at http://code.google.com/p/texworks/wiki/TipsAndTricks. I have not  
>> yet dealt with the issue raised in #57, however, about the behavior  
>> when typesetting.
> OK
> =================
> I still do not have the forward and inverse searchs.

It seems like on Windows it sometimes fails to read compressed (.gz)  
synctex files; I'm not yet sure why this is. It might work better to  
specify -synctex=-1 in the tool preferences, to get an uncompressed  

> Regexps seem to work.
> Still difficulties with the \'E characters on a French keyboard  
> (using AltGr+).

OK, I'll try to investigate this.

> The problem of unbalanced delimiters seems to be solved.
> About the TOC in the view windows: it works when using hyperref, not  
> without. Correct?

Right; this is a view of the PDF document's "bookmarks", which  
hyperref creates.


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