<font color='black' size='3' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'>
<div>I wrote a document in Tex on a windows computer using Winedt as text editor. Now I have a Mac OS 10 and I am using TexShop as editor. I followed all the procedures I could find to convert from one system to another including adding the line in the header</div>
<div>% !TEX TS-program = latex </div>
<div>Otherwise, I am using the same headers as I used for windows.</div>
<div>Now have what appears to be only 2 errors left. One is that during typeseting the compilation stops and I get the line with no explanation.</div>
<div>l.246 \setIIIDplotDefaults</div>
<div>The second problem is that no output is generated and I get the message:</div>
<style type="text/css">
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Arial}
<div class="p1">GPL Ghostscript 9.16: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1</div>
<div class="p1">GPL Ghostscript 9.16: ERROR: A pdfmark destination page 291 points beyond the last page 290.</div>
<div class="p1">### FAILED to generate /tmp/altpdflatex.6459-1487780163/Physics for Scientists & Engineers-final 12pt-Rev 11.pdf ()</div>
<div class="p1"><br>
<div class="p1">Any help will be appreciated!!!!</div>
<div class="p1"><br>
<div class="p1">Thank you,</div>
<div class="p1">D.W. Jones</div>
<div class="p1"><br>