<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>We have to create desk slips for conducting an examination. The desk slip/ label will have the following information :<br><br></div>...... examination - 2014<br></div>Subject : xyz<br></div>Roll No. 0293993<br clear="all"><div><div><div><div><br></div><div>The data of RollNo, Subject and Venue of examination (examination center) are maintained in an excel sheet - nearly 40 examination centres and 80 subjects total candidates about 20 thousand.<br><br></div><div>I created desk slip with the use of csvtools and the code is given below :<br><br>\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}<br><br>\usepackage{csvtools}<br>\usepackage[left=.5cm,right=.5cm,top=.5cm,bottom=.5cm]{geometry}<br>\usepackage{multicol}<br>\usepackage{xcolor}<br><br>\begin{document}<br><br>\applyCSVfile{data.csv}{% here put the name of the file<br>%\begin{multicols}{2}<br>\noindent\fbox{\parbox{6.3cm}{%<br>{\color{white}.}\\[7pt]<br>\centering{\LARGE UGC NET - 2014}\\[2pt]<br>\raggedright<br>{\Large Subject : \insertSubject}\\[5pt]<br>{\Large Roll No. : \textbf{0\insertRollNo}}\\[12pt]<br>}} % This is for parbox<br>%\end{multicols}<br>}% This is for CSV file<br><br><br>\end{document}<br><br></div><div>With the above my purpose is solved. But for this for every subject and centre we have to create separate csv files.<br><br></div><div>Is there any better to get the lables printed - centre wise/ subject wise from a single csv file without creating many csv files. It will be better If we can print 8 x 3 lables on a4paper.<br></div><div><br>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature">Happy (La)TeXing<br>The BHU TeX Group<br>क्या आप यह देख पा रहें हैं।<br>इस का मतलब आप का कम्प्यूटर यूनीकोड<br>को समझती है। देर किस बात की हिन्दी मे<br>चिठ्ठियां लिखिये।<br><br></div>