<font face="courier new,monospace">Hi, i'm doing a report and used for the bibliography the archive .bib.<br>I stated then after<br><br><br>\tableofcontents<br>\listoffigures<br>\listoftables<br><br>as<br><br>\newpage<br>
\bibliography{biblio.bib}<br>\bibliographystyle{plain}<br><br>\end{document}<br><br>The problem is that the index generated by \tableofcontents not including the bibliography (preferably at the end of index), ie. the index only appoints all but not the bibliography.<br>
<br>How included?<br><br>Thanks<br><br></font>-- <br>
<div>Por favor, no utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el intercambio</div>
<div>de documentos, como ser DOC, XLS, BMP, PPT, RAR, MP3, DWG,</div>
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<div>CSV, PNG, FLAC, OGV, GZ o cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar</div>
<div>un programa de un fabricante concreto.</div>
<div>Info: <a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html" target="_blank">http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html</a></div>
<div> <a href="http://www.vaslibre.org.ve/publicaciones/odfvsooxml-es.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.vaslibre.org.ve/publicaciones/odfvsooxml-es.pdf</a></div>
<div> , ,</div>
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<div> `--|o` 'o|--'</div>
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<div> ): :(</div>
<div> :o_o:</div>
<div> "-"</div><br>