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I'm trying to create a custom BibTeX style for minimal formatting of
references (e.g., for a presentation, or a poster, where space is of
the essence and usually only absolutely essential data is given).
Take for example the following file test.bst:<br>
author = {Smith, John and Smith, Ben and Wang, Lee and Smith,
title = {About something},<br>
journal = {Nat.},<br>
year = {2006},<br>
volume = {441},<br>
pages = {486--488},<br>
Ideally, I'd like that formated as "Smith, Smith, et al.: Nat 441
(2006) 486". So, I've been playing around with makebst (custom-bib
package in TeXLive).<br>
I performed the following steps:<br>
1) run `latex makebst` with an output filename of "test.bst" and all
other values as default (gives test.dbj)<br>
2) run `latex test.dbj` (gives test.bst)<br>
3) run LaTeX and BibTeX sufficiently often on the following test
<style type="text/css">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style>
<p style="margin: 0px; text-indent: 0px;">\documentclass{article}</p>
<p style="margin: 0px; text-indent: 0px;"></p>
<p style="margin: 0px; text-indent: 0px;">\begin{document}</p>
<p style="margin: 0px; text-indent: 0px;"></p>
<p style="margin: 0px; text-indent: 0px;">\nocite{*}</p>
<p style="margin: 0px; text-indent: 0px;">\bibliographystyle{test}</p>
<p style="margin: 0px; text-indent: 0px;">\bibliography{test}</p>
<p style="margin: 0px; text-indent: 0px;"></p>
<p style="margin: 0px; text-indent: 0px;">\end{document}</p>
This indeed gives the expected result. So far, so good.<br>
Now for the customizations.<br>
If in test.dbj I change<br>
%: (def) Periods in journal names<br>
% jxper,%: Dotless journal names<br>
% %: (def) Periods in journal names<br>
jxper,%: Dotless journal names<br>
and rerun the above from step 2), BibTeX spits out several errors of
the forms<br>
z is an unknown function---line 156 of file test.bst<br>
"Nat." is a string literal, not a function, for entry test11<br>
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry test11<br>
Back to the start, changing in test.dbj instead<br>
%: (def) All authors<br>
% nmlm,%: Limited authors<br>
% %: (def) All authors<br>
nmlm,%: Limited authors<br>
and rerunning the above from step 2), gives me many error of the
"smith john" is a string literal, not an integer, for entry test11<br>
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry test11<br>
0 is an integer literal, "" is a string literal<br>
And one more thing I've tried: Back to the original files, changing
in test.dbj the lines<br>
ed-au,%: Full, surname last<br>
% nm-revf,%: Full, surname first<br>
% nm-init,ed-au,%: Initials + surname<br>
% nm-rev,%: Surname + initials<br>
% nm-rv,%: Surname + dotless initials<br>
% nm-rvvc,%: Surname + comma + spaceless initials<br>
% nm-rvx,%: Surname + pure initials<br>
% nm-rvcx,%: Surname + comma + pure initials<br>
% nm-rvv,%: Surname + spaceless initials<br>
% nm-rev1,%: Only first name reversed, initials<br>
% nm-revv1,%: First name reversed, with full names<br>
to activate either "Surname + dotless initials", "Surname + pure
initials", or "Surname + comma + pure initials" instead of "Full,
surname last" and rerunning the above from step 2) again gives me
errors of the forms<br>
z is an unknown function---line 156 of file test.bst<br>
"Smith J" is a string literal, not a function, for entry test11<br>
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry test11<br>
FWIW, I use TeXLive'10 with latest updates on Ubuntu Linux.<br>
Of course, I did some more extensive changes as well, but these were
the show-stopping errors I finally condensed everything down to.<br>
Can someone tell me what's going wrong here? Maybe I've missed some
dependencies of the different values? Or I missed to include some
Thanks in advance,<br>