Hello,<br><br>Although this seems like a fairly obvious thing, I can't seem to find any answer. I would like to find a way in beamer to present an image as the complete frame without borders or a frame title. <br><br>Does anyone ever need to do this with beamer? <br>
<br>What are the options available to me? <br><br>I think that my search has been confounded by instructions to go full screen in a pdf viewer. Below is a short example minus an image file.<br><br>Thanks in advance!<br clear="all">
<br>\documentclass{beamer}[14pt]<br>\usepackage{beamerthemesplit}<br><br><br>\usetheme{PaloAlto}<br>\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]<br>\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} <br><br>\title{Test} <br>\begin{document}<br>
\frame{\titlepage}<br><br>\begin{frame}{Picture}<br>\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{imagefile}<br>\end{frame}<br>\end{document}<br><br>Sam<br>-- <br>*****************************************************<br>Sam Albers<br>Geography Program<br>
University of Northern British Columbia<br>3333 University Way<br>Prince George, British Columbia<br>Canada, V2N 4Z9<br>phone: 250 960-6777<br>*****************************************************<br>