I'd like to make a custom environment that will replicate the following code without the \hline and the tabularx<br><br>\begin{tabularx}{|rX|} <br> \hline<br> stuff...<br> last line \\ \hline<br>\end{tabularx}<br>
<br>Suppose the environment is called testbox. Then the code above could be written as:<br><br>\begin{testbox}<br> stuff...<br>\end{testbox}<br><br>This is what I've come up with for the newenvironment code:<br>\newenvironment{testbox}[1][rX]{\tabularx{\columnwidth}{|#1|} \hline}{ \hline \endtabularx } <br>
<br>However, the \hline in the end declaration causes a "misplace noalign" error. If the \hline is removed the end definition, the code compiles with no errors (except no bottom line).<br><br>Here is the smallest code that I can give that causes the error:<br>
<br>\documentclass{article}<br>\usepackage{tabularx}<br><br>\newenvironment{testbox}[1][rX]{%<br> \tabularx{\columnwidth}{|#1|} \hline}{ \hline \endtabularx } <br><br>\begin{document}<br>\begin{testbox}<br> 3 & c \\<br>
4 & c \\<br>\end{testbox}<br>\end{document}<br><br>Can you help me?<br><br>-jekyll<br>