I am MikTeX user, i am using hyperref package with dvips option to get linking in the pdf. The problem is if i use this package with pdflatex the links are going to the particular place where it is required, but if i use dvips option after creating the pdf the links are going to that page not particular place.<BR>
Thanks for your answers.<BR>
<Table border=0 Width=644 Height=57 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;line-height:15px;'><TR><td><a href='http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/click.cgi/www.rediff.com/signature-default.htm/1050715198@Middle5/2401775_2394076/2397136/1?PARTNER=3&OAS_QUERY=null' target=new ><img src ='http://imadworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/adimage.cgi/2401775_2394076/creative_2397136.gif' alt='Ebay' border=0></a></td></TR></Table>