<div>Hello TUG</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I have a problem, and I cannot find any answer to it in your faq, nor anywhere</div>
<div>else on the internet. My problem is this:</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I want to create a LaTeX-document with the same header on every page</div>
<div>(including the first page). The body-text on pages 2, 3, 4 and onwards</div>
<div>seem to adjust correctly to the size of the header. But the body-text on</div>
<div>page 1 does not adjust to the size of the header. The bodytext is placed</div>
<div>a certain length away from the top of the page, regardless if it means that</div>
<div>body and header collides. It looks quite ridiculous...<br><br>Can you help me find out what I can do to make the first-page text adjust to the<br>size of the header?<br><br><br><br>Here is a sample document, that shows my problem. Just compile and
<br>watch the output :)<br><br>\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{book}<br><br>\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}<br>\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}<br>\usepackage{fancyhdr}<br>\fancyhead[OL,EL]{Headertext \\Headertext \\Headertext \\Headertext \
<br>\Headertext \\Headertext \\}<br>\fancyfoot[OC]{}<br>\thispagestyle{fancy}<br>\pagestyle{fancy}<br><br>\begin{document}<br>\noindent Bodytext \\Bodytext \\Bodytext \\Bodytext \\Bodytext \<br>\Bodytext \\Bodytext<br>\newpage
<br>\noindent Bodytext \\Bodytext \\Bodytext \\Bodytext \\Bodytext \<br>\Bodytext \\Bodytext<br>\newpage<br>\noindent Bodytext \\Bodytext \\Bodytext \\Bodytext \\Bodytext \<br>\Bodytext \\Bodytext<br>\end{document}</div>