Hi,<br>I hope that you can give me some feedback about creating a poster from slides.<br>This is the situation:<br>1- I created a set of slides with latex and prosper<br>2- I have the slides available in .ps and .pdf<br>3- I would like to create a poster (a0) based on the montage of the slides I have produced. Is that possible? Is there any automatic way of doing this?<br>4- What is the best approach:<br>4.1- use montage to put all slides in one a0 poster<br>4.1.1- use psnup<br>4.2- use a0poster dc and just copy the information from my latex prosper file to a0poster file<br>4.3- use other software <br>5- I want a background color<br><br>Thanks in advance for your help.<br>Ricardo<br><p> 
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