<pre wrap=""><br>Thank you for your help<br><br>I was able to create the poster as I wanted (except the background). These are<br>the steps I took:<br>1- with pdfnup I created a single file with all the slides of my presentation.<br>2- with the dc a0poster I created the title<br>3- in the previous file I inserted:<br>\begin{minipage}{\textwidth}<br>\centering<br>\includegraphics[width=80cm,keepaspectratio=T,bb=0 66 595 778]{teste}<br>\end{minipage}<br>to insert the file teste.pdf<br>4- I cannot use \includepdf because it inserts a new page<br>5- pdflatex, and I have the poster.<br><br>However, I was not able to set the background color. The point is that:<br>1- when I set the background color to black, the slides inserted became also<br>black, but I can see the other colors.<br>2- thus, in the presentation I set one slide with background color to white and<br>remaining to red.<br>3- the final result is that black overlaps the white. So the white is not
really<br>white.<br><br>Do you have any suggestion regarding the background?<br>Thanks in advance for your help.<br>Ricardo</pre><br><br><b><i>Ricardo Lima <rlima_p@yahoo.com></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> Hi,<br>I hope that you can give me some feedback about creating a poster from slides.<br>This is the situation:<br>1- I created a set of slides with latex and prosper<br>2- I have the slides available in .ps and .pdf<br>3- I would like to create a poster (a0) based on the montage of the slides I have produced. Is that possible? Is there any automatic way of doing this?<br>4- What is the best approach:<br>4.1- use montage to put all slides in one a0 poster<br>4.1.1- use psnup<br>4.2- use a0poster dc and just copy the information from my latex prosper file to a0poster file<br>4.3- use other software <br>5- I want a background color<br><br>Thanks in advance for your
help.<br>Ricardo<br><div> </div><hr size="1">Need Mail bonding?<br>Go to the <a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/index;_ylc=X3oDMTFvbGNhMGE3BF9TAzM5NjU0NTEwOARfcwMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx?link=ask&sid=396546091">Yahoo! Mail Q&A</a> for <a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/index;_ylc=X3oDMTFvbGNhMGE3BF9TAzM5NjU0NTEwOARfcwMzOTY1NDUxMDMEc2VjA21haWxfdGFnbGluZQRzbGsDbWFpbF90YWcx?link=ask&sid=396546091">great tips from Yahoo! Answers</a> users._______________________________________________<br>TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq<br>Mailing list archives: http://tug.org/pipermail/texhax/<br>More links: http://tug.org/begin.html<br><br>Automated subscription management: http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/texhax<br>Human mailing list managers: postmaster@tug.org</blockquote><br><p> 
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