Hi All. <br><br>I've been trying to get apacite to work with an author index for a book, while also using a subject index with the makeidx package. After reading the apacite manual, I've had some but not much luck. I'm using WinEdt on XP. In my preamble I have:<br>\usepackage[index]{apacite}<br>\usepackage{makeidx}<br>\makeindex<br><br>Just before the end of the document I have:<br>\bibliographystyle{apacitex}<br>\bibliography{My_Bib}<br>\printindex[autx]<br>\printindex<br><br>Notice that apacitex is used for the bib. style as opposed to apacite per usual. The x is added for the author index. The .adx file is made and appears ok, but the .and file is not produced (and thus no author index is printed in the document).<br><br>Also, perhaps related perhaps not, there seems to be a problem when using makeindx with apacitex. When runing LaTeX, the error: <br>! LaTeX Error: Command \see already defined.<br>
Or name \end... illegal, see p. 192 of the manual.<br><br>Thank you for any help you can provide,<br>Ken<br><p> 
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