<div align="left">I have been using powersem with some success. I decided to switch to beamer to avail of the better facilities that it provides. However I can not get beamer to produce slides in Windows. For example, when I run the first example in Beamer by Example by Andrew Mertz and William Slough the slide is produced in the top left hand quarter (actually less than a quarter) of each page (screen). I use Windows XP professional and the basic Protex set-up on the TEX-Live distribution. The proble also occurs on any of the sample files that are distributed with beamer. I have updated the beamer package and there is no change.
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<div>I have also recently started using Quantian (a version of Knoppix). When I run Latex on Quantian 0.9.3 with kile 1.8 ( default setup) beamer works exactly as they should</div>
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<div>The linux log says that I am using <br clear="all">This is e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5) (format=latex 2005.12.6) </div>
<div> </div>
<div>The windows log says</div>
<div>This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4) (preloaded format=latex 2006.6.6) 9 JUN 2006 21:18</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The same versions of beamer are used on both systems</div>
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<div>There are some small differences in the logs which do not look significant. </div>
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<div>Does anyone have any idea what the proble might be. I have looked at the archives of this mailing list and can not find a solution</div>
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<div>% Example from Mertz and Slough</div>
<div>\documentclass{beamer}<br>\title{A Tiny Example}<br>\author{Andrew Mertz and William Slough}<br>\date{June 15, 2005}<br>\begin{document}<br>\maketitle<br>\begin{frame}<br>\frametitle{First Slide}<br>Contents of the first slide
<br>\end{frame}<br>\begin{frame}<br>\frametitle{Second Slide}<br>Contents of the second slide<br>\end{frame}<br>\end{document}<br>-- <br>John C Frain </div></div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>John C Frain