From: "Glenn Szerlong"
How can I incorporate into a document a color-filled mathematical
such as \Box to denote filled markers on an accompanying
Glenn: This and variants thereof works just fine
<font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#0000FF">\textcolor</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#FF0000">{</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">green</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#FF0000">}{$</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#0000FF">\blacktriangle</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#FF0000">$}</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">
<tt> Dr. John M. Simmie<br>
Chemistry Department & Environmental Change Institute<br>
National University of Ireland, Galway::Ireland<br>