[texhax] ... TeXLive, but without two technical problems ...

Uwe Lueck uwe.lueck at web.de
Sun Mar 1 12:06:01 CET 2015

Reinhard Kotucha wrote at 2015-03-01 00:41:
>> 2015-02-15 William F Hammond wrote to "Yves Perret" <yves.perret at megamail.org>
> I did not receive this mail. It turned out that two mails from Bill
> Hammond and one from Suresh Govindacha were caught by the gmail spam
> filter. Don't know why. I've downloaded them now.
>> I managed to download 3 attachments.
> In which mail are they mentioned? I obviously missed something.
> Could you tell me the author and the date?

2015-02-25, see almost at bottom of


I am attaching the original attachments (LaTeX source, screenshots)
more directly.


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