[texhax] Entering horizontal lines between items

William Adams will.adams at frycomm.com
Wed Jan 9 21:11:05 CET 2013

On Jan 9, 2013, at 2:43 PM, Jerry wrote:

> A formula like: {lmargin + distance to indent - length of text} would
> work I assume. I have no idea how to code anything like that. Is there a
> package that offers that ability?

you put things into a box to measure them:

\sbox\namebox{NAME:\ \ }
\sbox\phonebox{PHONE:\ }
NAME:\ \rule{\fiveinches}{1pt}\ PHONE:\ \rule{\underscorelength}{1pt}


William Adams
senior graphic designer
Fry Communications
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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