[texhax] FW: Re: getting started, structurally

Uwe Lueck uwe.lueck at web.de
Sat Jan 22 22:00:45 CET 2011

"Uwe Lueck" <uwe.lueck at web.de>, 22.01.2011 17:52:50:
> todoke_SV1 <todoke.sv1 at gmail.com>, 22.01.2011 15:16:57:
>> I've installed the MaxTeX distro it's up and running
> http://ctan.org/pkg/memoir
> http://ctan.org/pkg/voss-mathmode
> http://ctan.org/pkg/amslatex

Sorry, I have never worked with a real TeX Live. 
For somebody having one, I probably should have said 
texdoc memoir, texdoc voss-mathmode, texdoc amslatex 
instead of referring to ctan.org/pkg -- somebody knowing 
better may correct me.



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