[texhax] Trouble with makeindex

Aldo da Rosa darosa at ee.stanford.edu
Fri Aug 5 01:51:59 CEST 2011

  makeindex -s classic.ist myfile.idx

1  - If no arguments are added to makeindex in Preferences (Typesetting) to TeXWorks,

makeindex is unresponsive to any option entered by  commands like
\makeindex -c  -r  -s myfile.idx

2 - Add  arguments -c -r to makeindex in preferences,
\makeindex  myfile.idx   works fine even though the options do not appear in this command line.

3 - Add argument -s to makeindex in preferences,
\makeindex -c  -r  -s classic.ist myfile.idx results in either

	3.1 - classic.ist not found, even if the full path to that file is explicitly given:


	3.2 - Style file myfile not found.

I am lost!

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