[texhax] cmyk colors are auto changed!

Steven Woody narkewoody at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 16:23:29 CEST 2011


I found if I define a color in cmyk mode, the resulted color with
pdlatex will be anther one when I measure it with a screen color
picker. For example, the cmyk (1,0,0,0) will become (1,0.27,0,0.07).
On the other hand, if I define colors in rgb mode, the result colors
will be exactly same as what I defined.

The pdf file was viewed in Adobe Reader in Windows.  Attached file is
what I used to generate the color tests.

Can anyone tell me why?

Life is the only flaw in an otherwise perfect nonexistence
    -- Schopenhauer

public key at http://subkeys.pgp.net:11371 (narkewoody at gmail.com)
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