[texhax] adding different amounts of dots for formatting

Philip G. Ratcliffe philip.ratcliffe at uninsubria.it
Thu May 7 11:13:18 CEST 2009

> Thank you Susan and Philip. \dotfill worked for me.
> I didn't try all your ideas but just used like:
> \begin{longtable}[b]{ p{2.2in} p{2.2in} p{1.3in} } 
> \raggedleft{foo}& bar \dotfill & baz \\ \end{longtable}
> Now a new question ... why doesn't the [b] for bottom work 
> for me? I have 
> long lines that wrap within their table cells so I want the 
> next lines to 
> match up -- so if they all were forced to the bottom vertical 
> alignment 
> bottom of the row then it would line up.

That's because, as the longtable manual states: "The [t] [b] [c] argument of
tabular can not be used."  In any case, it's for vertical alignment of the
entire table and not individual cells.

Try this:

  foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo
  foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo
  & bar \dotfill & baz \\

Cheers,  Phil

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