[texhax] white space problem

Donald Arseneau asnd at triumf.ca
Wed Jul 15 08:23:02 CEST 2009

Tom Schneider <toms at ncifcrf.gov> writes:

> > This might bother users of very old LaTeX versions by introducing
> > incompatabilities though.
> Ok, won't do that ...

It might be fine, but I'm not sure how long ago \@cite at ofmt was
introduced in \@citex.

> Ok, I modernized cell.bst and cell.sty using cite.  

And that's fine too!  Hmmm, I see now it is an author-year system (I
just looked it up) whereas cite.sty is mainly intended for numeric 
citations.  That isn't specifically a *problem* but you should probably 
select [nosort,nocompress] options (\RequirePackageWithOptions), though
using another package as the basis might be better.  It is clear
that \citepunct should be \renewcommand\citepunct{;\ } to allow
line breaks in the best place.

I had assumed cell.sty was a more complete template for a journal layout,
rather than just the cite format.  Even the bibliography definition is
commented out!  I guess it was taken over by the change to \@biblabel

I looked at the author instructions for Cell, and they don't really say
much about the citation format, just a bit about the bibliography
(references) format (need 10 authors to use et al!).  Lots about copies 
of consent forms!

Oh!  Back to biblabel... what you have now will indent the bibliography,
so it is probably better to use:


Donald Arseneau                          asnd at triumf.ca

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