[texhax] How to put leaders in toc

Paul Tremblay paulhtremblay at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 19 22:07:53 CET 2006

Sorry because I know this question has been asked a
million times, but how to you put a leader in a table
of contents?

chapter 1 .......................8
chapter 2 .......................16

I am using the memoir class so cannot use the tocloft
package (I think that is what it is called). I have
searched the web and looked through my latex book, as
well as perused the memoir documentation, but cannot
find an answer.

Here's what my file looks like


\chapter*{Somke Title}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Some Title}

I would appreciate any other tips in customizing the
toc as well--that is, links or whatever. 

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