[texhax] notes at end of book

John P. Burkett burkett at uriacc.uri.edu
Thu Feb 10 16:09:34 CET 2005

Dear TeXnicians,

Using LaTeX, I've been writing a book with conventional footnotes.  Now
a publisher wants me to turn my footnotes into endnotes that would be
printed at the back of the book but have numbers starting from 1 for
each chapter. The publisher wants the notes at the end of the book laid
out roughly as follows:


Chapter 1 notes
1. This is the first note to chapter 1
2. This is the second note to chapter 1

Chapter 2 notes
1. This is the first note to chapter 2
2. This is the second note to chapter 2

The only discussion of this problem known to me is in the Ling-TeX
archive for March 3, 1998. The procedure suggested there, which involved
manipulating the endnotes package, did not work for me. I would be most
grateful for other suggestions.

John P. Burkett
Department of Economics
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881-0808

phone (401) 874-9195

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