[texhax] Equations ...

Harish S. Bhanderi hsb21 at hermes.cam.ac.uk
Mon Jul 14 16:38:21 CEST 2003

Hi Manoj and Herbet,

Many thanks for your email. I apologies for not being explicit about the
problem and so I don't want to reset any counters in Appendix or anything
like that. The problem is:

I have written an equation in the introduction. In the dvi output, it is
numbered 1.64, say. Now in the appendix, I want to refresh the reader's
mind and rewrite the same equation. As it not a new equation, I wanted it
numbered 1.64 rather than A-73, say. I have seen this sort of thing done
in books but I don't know how to do it. Please advise.

Many thanks in advance.


|--> On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Manoj Kummini wrote:
|-->  Your problem is not very clear. Do you want to number equations in
|-->  Appendix A as 1.1, 1.2 etc instead of A.1, A.2 etc? If that is what
|-->  you want, you should probably add something like
|-->  \makeatletter
|-->  \renewcommand{\theequation}{\@arabic\c at section.\@arabic\c at equation}
|-->  \makeatother
|-->  in your document. This will however give you an equation in Section 1
|-->  and another in Appendix A with the same number.
|-->  Manoj.

|--> On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Herbert Gintis wrote:
|-->  I don't know how you produce (1.1), but here's one way, and one
|-->  way to repeat it later:
|-->  ----------------------
|-->  \makeatletter
|-->  \def\@eqnnum{{\normalfont \normalcolor (\thesection.\theequation)}}
|-->  \makeatother
|-->  \def\mysection#1{\setcounter{equation}{0}\section{#1}}
|-->  \begin{document}
|-->  \mysection{Introduction}
|-->  \begin{equation}
|-->  A = B
|-->  \end{equation}
|-->  \mysection{New Section}
|-->  \begin{equation}
|-->  A = B
|-->  \end{equation}
|-->  Later on...
|-->  \mysection{Appendix}
|-->  \setcounter{section}{1}
|-->  \begin{equation}
|-->  A = B
|-->  \end{equation}
|-->  ----------------------------------
|-->  Herbert Gintis

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