what to do so that the block quotations are translated properly in html, when I convert my <br>latex files into html files via tex4ht package? My ultimate purpose is to make them <br>into Kindle ebooks from the html. Pls note that Im a non-techie and the books are <br>
simple non-math, non-science books on spirituality.<br><br>im using Linux Ubuntu, using Kile as IDE, <br><br><br>a sample file is <br><br>\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{book}<br>\usepackage{tex4ht}<br><br><br>\begin{document}<br>
<br><br>What to do when one seeks to follow the sufi path and reach God? One may<br>learn from the personal experience of the Mujaddid. He writes in his<br>monograph \textit{Mabda' va Ma`ad} about how he started his own sufi journey.<br>
%<br>\begin{quote}<br>When I experienced the desire for this path, divine grace (\textit{ilahi}) (SWT) took<br>me to a caliph of the family of the \textit{khwaja} hazrats (qaf). It is from there<br>that I attained the tariqa of these masters and I clung to his<br>
companionship. [Mabda' 1, 3.1-4]<br>\end{quote}<br>%<br>Yes! In order to attain Allah, one must attain the companionship of an<br>authorized deputy or \textit{khalifa} of any of the sufi tariqas and learn from him.<br>
\end{document}<br><br>Then I latex it and the DVI file is correct.<br><br>Then i tex4ht it and then the middle paragraph is not indented as a quotation. and thats the problem.<br><br>HTLATEX-ing the files is not an option because although this sample file is simple, <br>
the actual file that Ill be working with is very complex and htlatex does not work there.<br><br>so what do i do? There must some way to do it.<br><br><br clear="all">Irshad Alam<br>Khadim (servant) of Naqshbandi-Mujaddidi Sufi Tariqa<br>
Author of books on-Translations/Notes from the Maktubat-i Imam-i Rabbani, Rumi poems, Muinuddin Chishti sufi poems<br>Berkeley, California<br><a href="http://www.sufipeace.org">www.sufipeace.org</a><br><a href="http://www.meetup.com/Berkeley-Sufi-Center">www.meetup.com/Berkeley-Sufi-Center</a><br>