[tex4ht] fyi, status of some math fonts with tex4ht added to my tex4ht cheat sheet

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Sun Aug 2 02:47:02 CEST 2015

added entry to my tex4ht cheat sheet which shows few math fonts
and how they show in HTML and the status of each. Currently there
is 9 fonts given, most of them using code from posts at Tex.Stackexchage.


I'll be adding more. For each font, there is a pdf file and
HTML, and the source code used. All were compiled using
make4ht using svg mode.

I like this one most so far


These are the ones compiled now:
1 mathpazo,eulervm
2 mathpazo,mathabx
3 kpfonts
4 newtxtext,newtxmath
5 libertine,newtxmath
6 stix
7 lmodern
8 mathpazo
9 txfonts

If you know of some other combination I could add to the list
and build the example with it, please send it to me and will add it.
I am always looking for the best math and text font to use with tex4ht :)


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