[tex4ht] configuration issue for htlatex to generate mathml and use mathjax

William F Hammond gellmu at gmail.com
Sat Apr 20 22:22:55 CEST 2013

On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 2:09 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi <nma at 12000.org> wrote:

> Fyi;
> I found an issue implementing a method to allow one to
> make htlatex generate mathml and use mathjax.
> I was wondering if some htlatex experts can look
> at this question I posted at tex forum on stackexchange
> and see if there is a way to change the configuration file
> shown there to avoid this problem.
> All information and details are shown here
> http://tex.stackexchange.com/**questions/109714/conversion-**
> issues-using-htlatex-and-**mathjax-mathml-method<http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/109714/conversion-issues-using-htlatex-and-mathjax-mathml-method>
I suspect it's a bug in writing the MathML rather than an issue with your

In the first example, i.e.,

   $\dot{\alpha}$ $x \dot{x}$

for the \dot{x} tex4ht generates U+1E8B (latin small letter x with dot
above) rather than putting an ordinary 'x' inside <mover> as the \alpha is
handled.  I think this handling of \dot{x} is parallel to using a regular
LaTeX accent rather than a math accent. Moreover, I'm wondering about the
choice of dot used with the \alpha.  Why choose U+0307 (combining dot
above) rather than U+02D9 (dot above)?  While U+0307 for the dot in
\dot{\alpha} looks OK in MathJax HTML/CSS, it does not look correct if I
use the menu to go for native MathML rendering in Firefox.  I find that
U+02D9 works both ways.

          -- Bill

William F Hammond
Email: gellmu at gmail.com
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