[tex4ht] oolatex and hyperref

Daniel Becker d.becker at jpberlin.de
Fri Jan 15 15:20:35 CET 2010

Hallo -

as a follow up to my previous question:

1) the first problem was that the command oolatex didn't work as advertised in the tex4ht docu (TeXLive 2009). I was told to use 

mk4ht oolatex myfile.tex

and this worked. Maybe this should be on the todo-list for the tex4ht docu. I am sure it is hidden somewhere, but ....

2) the second problem I had is that the generation of an odt-file with mk4ht oolatex myfile.tex failed. For a large document, this means that I end up with a directory of hundreds of files. The latter problem is not so urgent (I use a script now that uses a few rm-commands)

3) the "real" problem was that oolatex failed. I think I had a problem with hyperref. Below is an example that works ok as it is but if hyperref is loaded, odt-generation fails.

Maybe hyperref should not be used when tex4ht is involved?

Thanks - 


a = b

This is a text and there is a label.

\section{this is the problem \ref{greatprop} \label{alabel}}

possible solutions:

  \item remove the label in the section-command
  \item do not use hyperref-package
  \item remove the ref in the section-command


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