I think my problem is related to the one discussed under this topic.<br>Here is the "minimal" file:<br><br>===============================================<br>documentclass{article}<br>\usepackage{pstricks, pst-plot}<br>
\def\moj{320}<br>\begin{document}<br><br>\begin{pspicture}(20,10)<br>\psgrid[gridcolor=blue, gridwidth=.3pt](-10,-10)(20,10)%%<br>\multido{\ikat=0+1}{\moj}{%<br>\rput{\ikat}{\psline(1,0)(6,0)}}<br>\psgrid[gridcolor=red, gridwidth=.3pt](-10,-10)(20,10)%%<br>
\end{pspicture}<br>\end{document}<br>=============================================<br><br>When processed via latex -> dvips -> pstopdf it produces the right result (only red grid visible).<br><br>On the other hand xelatex (using dvipdfmx) produces the pdf file with red grid dilated from blue one.<br>
When the variable "moj" is bigger than 360 then the teeth in multiput do not align either. Somehow the more<br>lines one puts in multiput, the bigger the dilation is.<br><br>I am using MiKTeX, but in the end I compiled this file from terminal, so I think I used only texlive-2010.<br>
Just in case I use GPL Ghostscript 8.71 (2010-02-10).<br><br>Best,<br><br>Wojciech Wieczorek<br><br><br><br>