hi,<br><br>i had a problem with generating a pdf file from a (rather large) latex ps file, which i thought was initially a problem with ghostscript. i posted the bug report there and you can see it at:<br><br><a href="http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=690427">http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=690427</a><br>
<br><br>howevere, the ghostscript folk seem to think that the problem actually lies with latex. so here are the symptoms. i have a document which is written using the report class. it has chapters, sections and subsections. when i generate a ps file using dvips the structure of the table of contents starts off line like:<br>
<br>SDict begin [ /Count -11 /Dest (chapter*.3) cvn /Title (Vectors and Tensors)<br>/OUT pdfmark end<br> -104 -39 a<br>-104 -39 a<br>SDict begin [ /Count -0 /Dest (section*.4) cvn /Title (Vectors) /OUT<br>pdfmark end<br> -104 -39 a -104 -39 a<br>
SDict begin [ /Count -0 /Dest (section*.4) cvn /Title (Bases) /OUT<br>pdfmark end<br> -104 -39 a -104 -39<br>a<br>SDict begin [ /Count -0 /Dest (section*.4) cvn /Title (Representation)<br>/OUT pdfmark end<br> -104 -39 a -104 -39 a<br>
<br>now here "Vectors and Tensors" is a chapter, "Vectors" is a subsection and "Bases"/"Representation" are subsections. But the last three all end up on the same level as far as ghostscript is concerned.<br>
<br>any idea what the problem here is?<br><br>i am using tetex-3.0-i486-5 on a slackware 12.0 system. posting here because tetex no longer seems to be maintained and they recommend directing all further queries to tex-live.<br>
<br>best regards,<br>andrew.<br>