I was typesetting some code with XeLaTeX and I found out that some fixed-width fonts exhibit strange kerning.<br><br>Here is some sample code:<br><br>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<br>\documentclass{article}<br>\usepackage{fontspec}<br>\begin{document}<br>
{\fontspec{Consolas}array[i].get() --- Consolas}<br>{\fontspec{Andale Mono}array[i].get() --- Andale Mono}<br>{\fontspec{Courier New}array[i].get() --- Courier New}<br>\end{document}<br>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<br><br>You will notice that Consolas and Courier New produce two problems: <br>
- in [i], i is not centered between the [ ]<br> - the text around the dot (.) is not in even distances, it looks as though the dot is moved to the left<br>These problems do not happen with Andale Mono. <br> Also if you type this text in Word or OpenOffice.org, there is no problem at all.<br>
<br> Any ideas on whose fault this is?<br>Thank you in advance.<br> <br> Nikos Platis<br clear="all"><br><br>