When i compile and see the following tex code, i have the text and last \hline too right vs. *Achieved Projects* and first big \rule.<br>I'd like the text and last \hline in line with *Archived Projects* and first big \rule.
<br><br>How can i fix the right margin issue in the following tex code?<br><br><br>\documentclass[10pt]{article}<br>\usepackage{charter}<br>\usepackage{fullpage}<br>\usepackage[colorlinks=false]{hyperref}<br><br>\pagestyle{empty}
<br><br>\begin{document}<br>\flushright<br>{\LARGE\bfseries<br>Achieved Projects<br>}<br>\noindent\rule[-1ex]{\textwidth}{2.5pt}\\[2.5ex]<br>\flushleft<br>\begin{tabular}{lp{\textwidth}}<br>\textbf{2003} &<br>\textbf{Project 1 Virtual channels Allocation} \emph{UML-Java, Network Calculus} -- Study the allocation of the virtual channels of the Project 1 Study Full-Duplex Layer 2 (\,part 7 of the Standard B Specification\,) in order to comply with the latency constraints, bus load, and safety. Use of methods of network computations, optimization with constraints and heuristcs. Define and compare different algorithms allowing the optimization of the virtual channels allocation.\\[
2.5ex]<br>\textbf{2002} &<br>\textbf{Network Simulations} \emph{QNAP} -- Analyze the network performance evaluations via software simulation with QNAP.\\[2.5ex]<br>\hline<br>\end{tabular} <br>\end{document}