FONT-SIZE: 10pt;
> 1. does dvipdfm work if you use draft mode for graphics?<BR><BR>> This shoudl give a pdf file with boxes outlining the places<BR>> where figures will appear.<BR><BR>
Yes, dvipdfm works in draft mode.<BR>
<BR>> 2. can you convert the EPS to pdf using "eps2pdf ..."?<BR><BR>> I think dvipdfm uses much the same conversion, so if this<BR>> fails, I would not exect dvipdfm to work.<BR><BR>
It's not "eps2pdf.exe", but "epstopdf.exe", which can convert an EPS to an PDF. I tried "epstopdf" using the "golfer.eps" and converted "golfer.pdf" looks right in Adobe Reader 7.0.<BR>
<BR>> 3. what does "epstool --test-eps ..." give?<BR><BR>> Many files that have .eps extensions do not meet the<BR>> definition of a .eps file, including some created using<BR>> "name-brand" software. Most such files can be<BR>> converted to pdf and will work with pdflatex.<BR><BR>
There is no "epstool.exe" under the TexLive 2003 install directory, so I can't do this test.<BR>
<BR>> 4. does dvipdfm work using a "known good" .eps file<BR>> such as golfer.eps from the ghostscript examples<BR>> directory?<BR><BR>> If you are still having trouble after all this, please<BR>> read <www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html>.<BR>> Note that the best way for us to see the problem is if you<BR>> can provide a minimal example (e.g., under a dozen lines<BR>> of latex and using an eps file that we already have, such<BR>> as golfer.eps). To save time, here is such an example:<BR><BR>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>> \documentclass{article}<BR>> \usepackage[dvipdfm]{graphicx}<BR>> \begin{document}<BR>> Example using \texttt{golfer.eps} from GhostScript.<BR><BR>> \[<BR>> \includegraphics[width=8cm]{golfer.eps}<BR>> \]<BR>> \end{document}<BR><BR>I tried your example and below is the output:<BR>
D:\vision>latex t-eps<BR>This is e-TeXk, Version 3.141592-2.1 (Web2c 7.5.2)<BR> %&-line parsing enabled.<BR> (c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx)<BR>entering extended mode<BR>(./t-eps.tex<BR>LaTeX2e <2001/06/01><BR>Babel <v3.7j> and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation, ba<BR>sque, czech, slovak, german, ngerman, spanish, catalan, french, ukenglish, ital<BR>ian, dutch, polish, portuguese, loaded.<BR>(c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/base/article.cls<BR>Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class<BR>(c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/base/size10.clo))<BR>(c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/graphicx.sty<BR>(c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/keyval.sty)<BR>(c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/graphics.sty<BR>(c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/trig.sty)<BR>(c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/texlive/graphics.cfg)<BR>(c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/dvipdfm.def))) (./t-eps.aux)<BR><golfer.eps> [1] (./t-eps.aux) )<BR>Output written on t-eps.dvi (1 page, 384 bytes).<BR>Transcript written on t-eps.log.<BR>
D:\vision>dvipdfm t-eps<BR>
t-eps.dvi -> t-eps.pdf<BR>[1Warning: Couldn't open font map file fonts.map<BR>Warning: Couldn't open font map file fonts.map<BR>(./golfer.eps<PS><BR>Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.<BR>pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file<BR>
Corrupt PDF file?<BR>
Ignoring stream with with multiple segments<BR>)<BR>pdf: image inclusion failed for (golfer.eps).<BR>]<BR>14284 bytes written<BR>
I opened "t-eps.dvi" in "windvi.exe" and it looks right. What's problem?<BR>
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