[tex-live] Bug: When nesting Form XObject reference in <box>, \pdfxform resources {<resources>} <box> -> missing user-provided <resources>

Alexander Grahn A.Grahn at hzdr.de
Mon Mar 19 11:20:48 CET 2018

Dear all,

it seems that I discovered a bug in connection with nested Form XObjects
(pdftex built-in \pdfxform) that occurs in pdfTeX as well as in LuaTeX.

The \pdfxform built-in provides the optional `resources {<resources>}'
argument, as in

  \pdfxform resources {<resources>} <box>

, in order to allow the user to insert additional entries in the /Resources
dictionary of the Form XObject to be produced from box register <box>.

This works as advertised for ordinary box content (1st \pdfxform in the code
below), but as soon as another Form XObject is referenced inside <box>, the
`resources {...}' argument is ignored and user-provided <resources> are missing
in the generated PDF code (2nd \pdfxform).

Here is a minimal example for pdfTeX and LuaTeX for demonstration. The PDF
object numbers mentioned in the comments are different in the PDF output from

% Bug: When nesting Form XObject reference in <box>,
%      \pdfxform resources {<resources>} <box>
%      --> missing user-provided <resources>

\input luatex85.sty



attr {}
resources {/Properties <</Key1 (Val1)>>} % OK

%nesting Form XObject reference
\setbox0=\hbox{Hello \hbox to \wrldwd {\pdfrefxform\pdflastxform\hss}!}

attr {}
% /Properties <<...>> missing in /Resources dict (object `8 0'), ref'ed in
resources {/Properties <</Key2 (Val2)>>}%       Form XObject (object `2 0')



Kind regards,
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