[tex-live] Installing TeX-Live 2017 on Windows 10

Lars Madsen daleif at math.au.dk
Wed Sep 27 09:18:57 CEST 2017

also exactly which of the installation programmes are you using/downloading?

I tend to recommend the ZIP and using the advanced installer (and just use the default settings).

Also do you know which mirror it connects to? Might be better to explicitly choose anonther mirror.

As Uwe said it might be an idea to run the installer from the commandline, as you get more information plus you can specify a different mirror

/Lars Madsen
Institut for Matematik / Department of Mathematics
Aarhus Universitet / Aarhus University
Mere info: http://au.dk/daleif@math<http://au.dk/daleif@imf> / More information: http://au.dk/en/daleif@math<http://au.dk/en/daleif@imf>

From: tex-live <tex-live-bounces at tug.org> on behalf of Marcello Anselmi Tamburini <marcello.tamburini at gmail.com>
Sent: 25 September 2017 15:52
To: tex-live at tug.org
Subject: [tex-live] Installing TeX-Live 2017 on Windows 10

Hi all.

I tried several times to install texlive 2017 on my windows 10 and it fails everytime. I download the installation program, it unpacks, starts installation, then, when it sould start to download the files for the installation, simply closes the installation program.

Please I need help, I wasn't able to find anything in the net. What can I try to installa the TexLive distro?


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