[tex-live] acronyms.sty spurious space from LaTeX base?

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at gmail.com
Sat Sep 27 00:59:23 CEST 2014

On 26 September 2014 22:58, Hartmut Henkel <hartmut_henkel at gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> please see the test file below, there is a spurious space at the end of
> the first line of m's when an acronym wraps around to the next line. It
> seems not to come directly from acronym.sty, but rather to be a
> side-effect of the \protected at write macro from latex.ltx?

texlive doesn't seem  to be the right list really as any bug needs to
be fixed upstream rather in the texlive distribution
however it looks like a bug in acronym, introducing a breakpoint
between its file writing operations:

if I add the following to your testfile which removes \hskip\z@ then
your example works as expected with the m flush to the right margin.

    \ifAC at footnote
       \acsfont{\AC at acs{#1}}%
       \footnote{\AC at placelabel{#1}\hskip\z@\AC at acl{#1}{}}%
          \AC at placelabel{#1}%
         \AC at acl{#1}%
          \nolinebreak[3] %
          \acfsfont{(\acsfont{\AC at acs{#1}})}%
     \ifAC at starred\else\AC at logged{#1}\fi}

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