[tex-live] Docdir configure option not honoured

Andreas Enge andreas at enge.fr
Wed Oct 29 16:21:26 CET 2014

Thanks for your quick reply!

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 11:37:10PM +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Yes. configure's --docdir does not do anything. Installation of
> the documentation files are independent and done by install-tl or
> by tlmgr, depending on options set in the tlpdb.


> Be reminded that the binary compilation does *not* produce a 
> workable system. The correct way is to do something similar
> to what install-tl does.

We already have a working package, obtained as in slackware by configuring
with "--disable-native-texlive-build" and later calling
             (system* "updmap-sys" "--nohash" "--syncwithtrees")
             (system* "mktexlsr")
             (system* "fmtutil-sys" "--all")
Now the question is just how to split off the documentation. I think we
should simply move texmf-dist/doc/ to the equivalent of
/usr/share/doc/texlive/ before calling mxtexlsr. This should not hurt as
kpathsea does not need to find the documentation.


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