[tex-live] g-brief uses marvosym, but both defined \EMail

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 10:25:44 CEST 2012

On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 00:23, Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> wrote:
> Dear Mojca, dear Michael,
> on the Debian side we got a bug report since the upgrade from 2009 to 2011,
> about a problem with g-brief, and it actually is broken currently,
> completely broken:
> Take the simple document:
>        \documentclass{g-brief}
>        \begin{document}
>        \end{document}
> Running it through latex gives:
> (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/marvosym/marvosym.sty
> ! LaTeX Error: Command \EMail already defined.
>               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

Hello Norbert,

Thanks for the report. I have fixed the problem
(https://github.com/mojca/marvosym) by renaming two macros. When I was
updating the font not so long ago, I tried to keep consistent name
with glyph name in the font. The macro was always called \Email until
I changed the name to \EMail and made \Email a synonym, so it makes
sense that I remove \Email rather than the other package maintainers.
Do I have to change any other name as well?

I already wanted to upload the package to CTAN when I realized that
back then we had a problem with whether or not we are allowed to
distribute original PDF documentation. Martin Vogel replied to me

> Mojca,
> please excuse me for answering so late, I returned today from my summer
> holidays.
> Marvosym is a rather old project, so the license was really a bit
> diffuse. I changed it to OFL to make clear that the font is free to be
> distributed. My understanding of the PDF included in marvosym.zip is
> that it is a text which is documenting the usage of the font. Why should
> I forbid the spreading of it? That would make no sense to me. In fact,
> the idea behind the license to copy the whole archive marvosym.zip
> freely was to be sure that the documentary files were always included.
> I have the idea of replacing marvosym.ttf with some smaller font files
> because of the ever persistent windows code page problem which makes it
> difficult to access some of the symbols in certain programs, but I do
> not know when I can find the time to do this.
> Regards,
> Martin Vogel

So my question before uploading a fixed version is: based on his
reply, am I allowed to add his original PDF documentation to the


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